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Ventures & Advisory



About Us

Axial Capital is a corporate investor, deploying our financial and technical resources into high-growth businesses and corporate expansion. Axial Ventures puts its backing behind founders that operate scalable business models and recurring B2B revenue streams, and our corporate finance team lead on more complex transactions including M&A and structured capital solutions. 

We typically syndicate each round with our co-funders by leveraging our established presence across the UK, North America and Europe where we can accelerate your revenue growth and your technology roadmap, with additional working capital coming from our international co-investor base.

Public listed companies can leverage our European, Canadian and UK investor base for enhanced liquidity, and where it adds value to the corporate proposition we will facilitate shell transactions and dual listings in growth-focused markets in Europe, London and North America. 

You’re the specialist in your industry, we’re the specialists in investment and corporate growth.


Revenue focused growth funding.

EUR10,000,000 round size

UK payments-clearing Fintech.

Introduced strategic money & new market access.

Strategic support and financing for the Staxy.Live mobility app

Cross-border financing.

£2,000,000 round size

Terms for cornerstone investment.

$20,000,000 round size

Axial led the funding advisory for Hospitech’s assessment of an ASX public listing.

About You (ideally)

You found us because your company is scaling, either organically or by acquisition, and the next step to drive that growth requires access to funding or the right corporate support. 

Depending on the sector, and factors such as the IP and revenue profile of the company, we will evaluate both equity and growth-debt to align with your roadmap, and once you're more established it could be time to access the benefits of entering new territories or accessing the public capital markets when enhanced liquidity becomes relevant for your stakeholders.

For corporates planning expansion through buyouts or shareholder restructuring, or if you're facing complex corporate situations, our M&A team have expertise in negotiation and deal management to enhance your team's efforts in achieving the best outcome.

Across sectors as diverse as MedTech, AgriTech, eCommerce and more, it's your experience and your achievements in getting your business to market that attracts our attention. And it's your ambition to take the business to new heights that will get us on board.

Our Team

Sirwin Baldar

Sirwin Baldar

Business Growth Executive

Owen H.

Owen H.

Corporate Finance Advisor

Christina Benson

Christina Benson

US Financing & Advisory

Jordi Sabate

Jordi Sabate

EU Investment & Advisory


always ask questions, it’s the quickest path to solutions

Rhodri Llewellyn
Rhodri is the founder and CEO of Axial Capital, having established the firm in London more than a decade ago following a career in the financial services and corporate sectors. After completing a Finance & Banking degree in San Francisco and Australia, Rhodri returned to London to take on roles in the City, and latterly in private sector operations in Australia and Africa. With further qualifications in the UK financial and regulatory markets, the knowledge base provides a strong foundation both for our clients and for our team across the UK, US, and Europe. That passion for business is tempered by a regular game of tennis, plenty of time in the kitchen, and matched with an equal passion for the ski hill.
Our News
Our Latest News And Posts

Prioritising profitability – for your investors, and for your business

29 April, 2024 | insight

As a corporate investor that backs growth-stage businesses with operational capital as part of a funding round, we have always advocated for good business fundamentals just as much – and in fact as a priority – as the focus on burning through investment just to achieve unsustainable growth.

Here’s a good reality check for founders striving for success. Businesses have to make money to survive and to succeed, and investors are increasingly losing patience with the tried, tested (and often failed) attitude of ‘growth through negative burn’. In a recent survey of founders at the time of writing this article, 84% said they were under more pressure (from their investors) to prioritise profitability. An unsurprising sentiment given the tighter early stage investor landscape – it will be interesting to know what others think?

The upside being that founders have mostly followed that advice, with 64% having cut back on new hires and 57% trimming staff costs; and 49% have also made savings on office costs.

Increasingly founders have said they’d like more help with fundraising and industry connections and customers, which is exactly the strategic support we believe investors, whether cash or corporate in their model, should focus on when backing growth-stage companies.

The survey also found that 71% of startup founders feel like their relationships with their investors have gotten worse, not better over the past year with 44% of founders acknowledging that many VC investors were not helpful when it came to business strategy – meaning that founders, often first-time leaders, are left unsupported in executing on the growth initiatives that all stakeholders have ultimately bought into by backing the business. It’s high time that founders and funders alike leverage the real value of ‘better together’ when scaling for success.

Equity for your efforts.

6 February, 2024 | insight

Big salaries don’t always equate to big opportunity, and for the right talent with the right ambition a growth-focused company that needs your skillset can be the right opportunity. And if you’re a founder then you already know what we mean! When we commit our resources to a portfolio company it’s usually when that company has proven that a substantial market exists for their service or technology, and it’s usually at a time where just a couple of founders are juggling much of the operational growth – and the headaches. This is where growth investing comes into its own.

The balance to be struck for a founder is to get the best possible skills and know-how into the business at a time when cashflow is often at its tightest. And for those with the talent to generate the accelerated results that an early stage business craves the upside needs to be attractive enough for the effort required – with an aligned objective to make big things happen for the business. So, how to square the circle?

The team that ultimately builds a business is often not just the founder and a core group of employees. To create a camp of knowledgeable or well-connected shareholders and advisors, along with operational team members that share your vision and will benefit when the business does well, can serve a business well to accelerate growth. That shared vision and shared reward-for-effort can (and often should) be a fundamental component of the returns that each member of the camp will work toward, and tying equity to that involvement is the ultimate reward mechanism.

Aligning equity accrual and income upside for your supporting ‘camp’ will keep everyone focused on the blue-sky objectives of the business, and at the same time will encourage more engagement on challenges and opportunities – and importantly, ideas and solutions to keep the momentum you want. Once you create alignment that encourages a win-win culture for everyone who supports your business, then you’ve created a collective vision that everyone can buy into.

So what next? It’s time to think about what skills and value-add you’d like to bring into the business, then think less about how much cash you want to raise to ‘buy’ those skillsets, and instead think about how to align interests for everyone so value is earned and shared. Talk to us about it, we take that approach across our portfolio every day.

Time to expand into the US? Let’s get sensible.

1 November, 2023 | insight

We recently read that since 2015 almost a third of European companies who expanded to the US did so even before they had raised a Series A. That’s a big step at such an early stage. Expanding to the US is a strategic decision for a startup, and expanding too soon could potentially be at the expense of continued growth on your home turf. But expand too late and you risk losing the US market to a competitor.

The ideal scenario for any scaleup is to get traction and to position yourself both in your home market and in further growth markets – at the same time. Getting your business to a place where you have users in a target market already engaging with you, rather than going in cold with full commitment and a big investment risk, can make executing your growth plan a lot easier. And that’s a strategy that can pay dividends if it’s executed the right way.

Axial Capital has established a presence in key markets including the US and Europe to support our portfolio companies with a lean platform for accessing these new markets, providing a soft-landing approach for accessing the international marketplace. The creation of a US subsidiary will immediately bring you within the US tax net in one sense or another, so a soft-landing approach can be the ideal way for ambitious business operators to spearhead in-country market testing and business development ahead of making a more substantial commitment.

By investing our resources in first phase US expansion for British and European scaleups – or vice versa for US businesses that want to enter the UK market – our portfolio companies can manage this expansion from their home operating base until it feels right to ‘follow that growth’ with a new corporate entity in-country. As the post covid-era of growth businesses increasingly have a tech-enabled bias and are scalable by nature, the obtainable market for so many of them is as exciting as it’s ever been!

Investing across AgriTech

28 August, 2023 | insight

Technology advancements in indoor farming are revolutionising agriculture. When you think of the thousands of food varieties being farmed differently across countries and continents, the impact is truly global.

These innovations promise more sustainable and efficient food production, even in urban settings, and Axial Capital is leading investment and research collaborations for AgriTech startups in a number of these verticals. 

How do you define ‘AgriTech’? In short, broadly! Cutting-edge lighting and imagery systems provide tailored spectra for optimal plant growth while conserving energy as compared with legacy methods. Automated climate control systems adjust and balance temperature, humidity, and CO2 levels precisely across the breadth and varying height levels of each indoor environment – pivotal for accurately managing rising heat and pockets of humidity.

And further yet: hydroponic and aeroponic systems deliver essential nutrients directly to plant roots, enhancing yields and reducing water usage. And sensors driven by AI algorithms continuously monitor plant health, detecting issues before they escalate – a particular vertical we are supporting very actively.

These advancements not only boost crop productivity but also reduce the need for pesticides and herbicides. The very real threat of food shortages is an increasingly common news piece, but we’re highly conscious too of the long running use of chemicals and excessive water consumption in our food chain, and as new technologies improve yields across global centres it is slowly but surely contributing toward a healthier planet at the same time. Indoor farming’s future looks promising, being more than a glimmer of hope for the world’s food security and environmental challenges. A worthy commitment of time and resources in our view!